What is stb
What is stb

what is stb

Development on both is more or less stagnant. Autodesk is not pushing one way or another.


  • Exchanging files can be done with DWF Underlay or PDF – no adjustments needed on pen weights.
  • Exchanging PDF files for updates so CTB or STB does not matter.
  • When you send out the border and sheets the plot table goes along.
  • E-transmit sends all of the stuff needed.
  • You can swap either CTB or STB easily to create a different plot look.
  • what is stb

    You would be moving toward simplification of plotting options.

    what is stb

    SketchUp and Revit do not use pen weights.Since you really only use about 5 or 6 different line weights and a couple of screening values, you won’t have to manage 255 color settings of a CTB file.Ability to plot layers that use the same colors with different line weights, screening values, colors etc.When using STB you don’t have to remember what color equals what weight.Users will not have to guess or refer to a chart to see what color number to use. STB has a shorter list of options when picking pen weights.Most CAD users “eyes” can quickly define thickness by color.You are most likely have already got this down pat.If you are trying to choose which one to use there are some good things and bad things about each. But it has not taken over the AutoCAD world by storm. STB is newer but has been around for a while. Most users may not even know that they use it – but they do. Do you use STB or CTB? CTB has been around since day one of AutoCAD.

    What is stb